Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Suse Ellen Lowenstein

Suse Ellen Lowenstein created these sculptures for remembering the terrorist attacks in Scotland in 1988. Her son was killed when he was coming home for the holidays and he was only 21 years old. 270 people lost their lives on that day. According to the website, this work is considered the most important work to date. 
What I love about this work is that she captured the pain and agony of the people that are made of sculptures.  It is such a sad story and I absolutely love this work. Its beautiful and sad and wonderful.

Barry McGee


Graffiti art is one of my favorite types of art. I dated a guy a couple years ago that was a graffiti artist and he was amazing. Barry McGee reminds me of him. A lot. I love the cartoonyness of the art, and the bright colors. Its just amazing and I wish I was able to do it.
My favorite picture that I posted on here is the bike tire painting. I love the colors and the negative space. It beautiful. We need more famous graffiti artist in this town. I also love the one with the men and their terrible terrible tattoos and their hairy hairy bellies.

Mark Ryden

I was told to check out Mark Ryden, because I would like him That is correct. He is great. So dark, yet cute. I love that one of him galleries has Abe Lincoln in pretty much all of the paintings. It is so random. I love everything about the colors he uses, down to the style. i dont even know what style it is, but I love it. 
Some of the paintings look like they should be in a screwed up childrens books from the 70's. Its absolutely great.
My favorite one, from the paintings I put on here, is the one of the bear thing? Its like deceiving,, like a gremlin, it will be cute one minute and then the next, if you feed it after midnight, it will start trying to kill you.  lol

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marchel Duchamp

The Father of Conceptual Art. This man is great. I love how he chose a urinal to be his first conceptual piece. I wonder what went through his head. "If I turn this urinal on its back and write a fake signature..its art right?" Ha ha, yeah I know, I am not that funny. My favorite one is the Mona Lisa, and how all he really did was degrade her by drawing a mustache and beard on her. He kinda made her look like Shakespeare. The wheel on the stool, I dont really understand it at all. Its weird. Kinda boring to me. But who am I to judge.

Jeanine Antoni

This lady is just straight up weird. WEIRD. But she is very talented and I respect her deeply. She has a meaning for each one of her pieces and I love that about her. My favorite piece is her giant rope, made of materials that belong to her loved ones. Her friends and family members donated articles of clothing and other stuff and she made it into a big rope and connected all of her pieces in one show together, using that rope. Its great. 
I also love that she teaches herself or is taught things she doesnt know how to do so that she can use them in her pieces. like when she taught herself how to tightrope and then went to her homeland and video taped herself "walking on the horizon" which was actually very very cool.

Vik Muniz

How the hell does he make portraits out of sugar? Thats freaking awesome!!!!! I like this guy, I thought all he did was pay the pilot to draw fake clouds in the sky. Guess i was wrong. I love how he can make beautiful pictures and pieces of art out of the most random stuff. Like the Mona Lisa one out of jelly and another out of peanut butter. Damn, I wish I was that talented. He made them look like the real thing. 
He also makes things out of chocolate.Portraits, sculptures. its amazing, I wish I had his talent. Maybe one day.

Paul McCarthy

Ha ha..well..this man is just nasty..and i love it. I recently checked out a couple books on him from the library. He is obsessed with using his penis in almost everything he does. Also, he uses feces or things that look like feces and urine. There is a lot of sex and pornographic art videos. He is ridiculous. LOL Yet, I still enjoy his work very much. 
When he puts the masks and makeup up, its like he is a totally different person and thats what kinda draws you in. The first time I saw most of his work..I instantly got nauseous. Vulgar man...VULGAR. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Art 108 Concptual art

Soooo, this new project is really challenging me, I like that it is but on the other hand its pissing me off. I am getting so frustrated. I have come up with two or three ideas so far and none of them are working. Ugh. This is way out of my comfort zone. I wish I had the mind of Thomas Friedman or something geez. Hopefully I will be able to come up with an idea and not be disappointed this time.