Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tom Friedman

This man is so freaking amazing. I want to get inside his head and see how he comes up with the art that he does. The chair made out of cereal is great, it looks like its is deteriorating right in front of our eyes, like in movies or video games when something just disappears into ash. I love that he did not make the chair whole. 
The zombie...ohhh the zombie. I love zombies, and I can not believe he made this zombie out of just construction paper! I would never be able to do that. Tom Friedman is so damn talented it is ridiculous. The zombie is my favorite piece so far. I love that it has something nasty trailing behind him and that he about to run into the wall. It looks kinda real, like we captured the zombie right in time before it splattered against the wall.
Now last but not least...the cube, made out of construction paper of course, is amazing, it looks like you could walk right up to it and touch it and it would not be just air. He is now one of my favorite artists out there right now.

Jay O'leary

Jay O'leary is one of the biggest characters I have ever met. He is a pervert, he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him, he cusses like a sailor, and then he is a great dad. His art is usually controversial. Which is what I love about him. I met him last year when my boyfriend at the time wanted a tattoo. So we went to a little tattoo shop called Seaworthy, and I was not expecting to get a tattoo and Jay convince me by drawing the fairy that is now on my arm. Jay ended up getting his own shop and now I go there. Its called Spitshade. 

The painting I have posted that looks like Charlie and the Chocolate factory, is actually and painting making fun of Mormans. He calls is Joseph Smith and the Shit Factory. He is selling this piece for $66.60. Just to piss people off. The other two paintings on here I had not seen until recently and I love them. He is so weird and he takes it out on his paintings. If you ever wanna get a tattoo, go to Jay.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Journal Entry 1

Phone: Formally- black,green, brick like shape, smooth buttons
Used to communicate through voice or texting, sometimes can cause cancer, used to get info, calculator, schedule, entertainment.

Computer: Formally- Square, black and silver, lots of buttons, bright
Used for communicating, researching, social networks, games, work, writing, saving data, pictures

Cutting Board: Formally- brown, wood, hard, square, thick, a little rough
used for chopping up food, scrapbooking, building on to

Video Game Console: Formally- gray,black,red, dusty, rectangular, cords attached to rectangular controllers
used for entertainment, learning, hand eye coordination, brainwashing, media.

TV: square, black, shiny, buttons, can turn it on and off
used for entertainment, learning, brainwashing, gossip, movies, porn, chat lines.

Artist Statement

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Misty Benson

I happened to run into this artist at the Hyde Park Street Fair, and instantly fell in love. I love this kind of art. The morbidness of it is great. If you have not figured it out by now, I am a little morbid myself and I like the dark and creepy art the best. What I love about these three particular pictures, is that each one is something I am interested in.
The fairy one is my favorite. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been obsessed with fairies. I have everything you can think of that has to do with fairies. Figurines, books, fountains, pictures and even comic books. This particular fairy I love because she actually calls it her Halloween fairy. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Again with my morbidness.
The second picture is Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. I chose this one because she mad Dorothy look dark and creepy, but also made her and Toto look cute. I happen to think that movie is creepy, I hate the flying monkeys.
The skeletons are just freaking adorable. I love how she took something that is dead and made it have feeling and personality. Its just so cute.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Jason deCaires Taylor

Jason deCaires Taylor's work is absolutely captivating. I was just browsing sculptors and happened to come across him and could not take my eyes off of his work. He creates his underwater sculptures above water and then takes them down below the surface and attached them somehow. He does this to create artificial reefs. Many natural reefs are dying and cannot support the marine ecosystem, so artificial reefs are created to help the natural ones and that is why he puts them down there.
The underwater sculptures remind of maybe Atlantis or some other lost world. The humans, well sculptures look like ghosts, like maybe a huge tsunami ran over the town, and drowned them instantly.
The land sculptures remind me of a little town called Pompei. It was a town in Italy in 79 AD that was completely buried because of a volcano that erupted and covered the entire town in ash. The ash covered the residents as well and froze them in place. The town was lost for about 1,600 years until it was discovered by accident. His sculptures remind me of the ashen corpses in that town. It is absolutely fascinating.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Art 108

This art class is great. It is making me leave my comfort zone of just drawing and making me explore the other types of art. I have never done anything 3D. The closest I come to it mixed media art and thats just putting random objects on other random objects. Thats what the pictures are. This class has really inspired me to become a better artist in every art there is. My mom is the one that got me turned on to the altered/mixed media art. It is very fun.

Tim Burton

I have loved Tim Burton since I was a kid. (The Nightmare Before Christmas). Ever since that movie came out, my mom and I have pretty much been obsessed with anything to do with it. She even got a tattoo on her back of Jack and Sally. :)  It was not until recently, that I figured out he actually had art and art books.

I was walking around in San Fransisco a few months ago and stumbled upon a little hole in the wall book shop. I love little books stores, so of course I would go in. Walking around, I saw books I never heard of
Then when I walked to wall with art books on it, there it was, " The Art of Tim Burton."  I was so excited. But I could not get it because I had only brought 30 bucks with me on this trip out and I needed it for food. I was not able to find that book store again and have not seen that book anywhere else.

What I love most about Tim Burton, is that he is just so dark. Its great. He has the imagination I could only dream of having. I want to knit pick his mind and see what inspires him. His art is just so weird, so out there. 
I do not even know what to say. He is just one of my favorite artists out there.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ashley Watson

So, this artist is pretty controversial. She is a vegan, animal rights activist with a little bit of feminist in her. The photos that I have posted are about the female animals on farms that get artificially inseminated against their will with the use of  "Rape Racks". They do this to cows so that the cows will produce more milk. They also pretty much mutilate the reproductive systems, which is what Ashley is trying to portray in these pictures. 

I am a vegetarian and an animal rights activist, which is why I chose this artist to talk about. I am very against the mistreatment of any animal. I think these pictures are a perfect characterization of the treatment the animals get. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Art Race

So, my mom and I discovered this new art tv show on the Ovation channel on Direct Tv. Its about these two guys. One from New York and one from LA. They fly to each others cities and have to make it back to there home within in 40 days using only there art work for trade for bedding, food and travel. I am addicted. It is a great show.  Plus Ben (in the pic) on the show is very nice to look at. ;)